Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Skinny DIP

Last night started off innocently enough...a little Taco Tuesday...a nice beer...then my friend asks a question to which there is only one answer:

Court: "Do you want to go get a six pack and drink it in Ralph's parking lot"
Me: "YES"

And let the games begin.

Parking lot adventure is followed by some more pre-gaming at my house...and then off to the Sunset to get bamboozled. Apparently the entire senior class at Pep had the same idea.

Let me fast forward to the next was one of those mornings when you wake up, say"Do I remember everything?...Why yes I do..." and then for the rest of the day people remind you of the things you did that you in fact do NOT remember.

These are the things I do remember:
1. Drinking twp 32 oz. beers, gin with margarita mix - surprisingly really good, 2 Gin and tonics and a shot of Patron
2. Dancing A LOT
3. Sitting on a lifeguard tower (for an unremembered amount of time) with Clifford
4. Somehow being talked into skinny dipping in the freezing ocean
5. Having a spot light directed at me whilst in the nude

These are the things I do not remember doing:
1. Dancing with Derek...inappropriately
2. Screaming at Mike....then Matt...then Cliff...also inappropriate
3. Crying about missing Easter with the fam
4. Walking home barefoot
5. Losing my keys


~Best Friend

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